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Deputy dean of Xinya College

Assistant professor, Department of Philosophy,Tsinghua University

Tel.: 8610-62780867


Modern Western Philosophy (one of Tsinghua's top honors courses for liberal arts education),

The Philosophy of Philosophy (first course of metaphilosophy in Tsinghua),

Internship in Governments and International Organizations (characteristic practice course in PPE), Social Surveying/ Social Practice: Farming and Learning

New Trends in Global Philosophy

Tutorials for Academic Writing

Education Background

2009-2016 Doctor of Philosophy, Heidelberg University

2006-2009 Master of Arts in Chinese Literature, Tsinghua University

2002-2006 Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

Since 2017.09: Assistant professor, Xinya College & Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University

Research Areas

-Areas of Expertise:

Historisch: modern Western philosophy (Descartes, Spinoza), history of Western philosophy

Systematisch: metaphysics, epistemology, metaphilosophy, philosophy of AI, etc.

-Areas of Interest:

undergraduate liberal arts education, college education

Awards and Honors


2018-2020: Zhongying Young Scholars of Tsinghua University


2019.01: Modern Western Philosophy was selected into the first seven university-level honors courses for liberal arts education of Tsinghua University

2020.07: Excellent Teachers in Online Teaching (special award) in the Spring Semester of the 2019-2020 Academic Year

2020.09: Excellent admissions teacher of Tsinghua University (speaking at the conclusion conference as a teacher representative)

2022.05: Excellent S&T Innovation Instructor Award at the 40th "Challenge Cup" National College Students' Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest of Tsinghua University

2022.07: Young Teacher Teaching Excellence Award of Tsinghua University (2021)

-Students Work

2021.06: Excellent Tutor in Beijing (2017-2021) (7 winners from Tsinghua University)

2021.12: LinFeng Award for Student Affair Counselor, Tsinghua University (Tsinghua's highest award for part-time counselor, speaking at the award ceremony as a teacher representative)

Committee and Broad Memberships

Since 2021.10: Reviewer of Philosophical Research

Since 2017.11: Member of the Council of the Chinese Society for German Philosophy (CGDP), deputy secretary-general of the Secretariat of CGDP

Since 2015.03: Associate editor and co-founder of Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy (C)

Academic Achievements

-Representative Works

Weite Zhang:Descartes’ Doctrine of Clear and Distinct Perception: A Systematic Clarification, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2016.

-Representative Papers

Weite Zhang: Descartes and AI: "I Think, Therefore I Am" as the Intelligence Test Standard, Science • Economy • Society, 2022, 3.

Weite Zhang: Descartes' Theory of Truth: A Coincidence Theory that Indirectly Requires Coherence, Philosophical Research, 2018, 5: 84-94.

Weite Zhang: Descartes' Metaphysical Doubts about Clear and Distinct Perception, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2017, 12 (1): 151-181. DOI: 10.3868/s030-006-017-0011-5.

Weite Zhang: The Object of Metaphysical Doubt in Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy: "Meditation III", Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer 2015): 432-484.
