-Representative Works
Weite Zhang:Descartes’ Doctrine of Clear and Distinct Perception: A Systematic Clarification, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2016.
-Representative Papers
Weite Zhang: Descartes and AI: "I Think, Therefore I Am" as the Intelligence Test Standard, Science • Economy • Society, 2022, 3.
Weite Zhang: Descartes' Theory of Truth: A Coincidence Theory that Indirectly Requires Coherence, Philosophical Research, 2018, 5: 84-94.
Weite Zhang: Descartes' Metaphysical Doubts about Clear and Distinct Perception, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2017, 12 (1): 151-181. DOI: 10.3868/s030-006-017-0011-5.
Weite Zhang: The Object of Metaphysical Doubt in Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy: "Meditation III", Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer 2015): 432-484.