Time and Eterness: on the problem of time in Martin Heideggers philosophy .1997,Beinjing.
Truth and Freedom: an ontological interpretation of Kants philosophy. 2002, Nanjing.
Medieval philosophy. 2005,Nanjing.
Meeting of religion with philosophy: a study of Christian philosophy of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.2008, Nanjing.
From a Future Perspective.2014,Beijing.
Main Articles:
The Essence of truth and the truth of essence: on M.Heideggers Conception of truth. Social sciences in China, No.2. 1999, Beijing.
the Starting point of universal ethics: individual Freedom or relational Boles? History of Chinese philosophy,No.3, 2003.,Beijing. And, Contemporary Chinese thought, 2007/Vol.39,No.1.
Kants revolution in aesthetics. Philosophical researches, No.8 , 2004, Beijing.
What's philosophy and why shall we study the History of philosophy: the Validity of Chinese philosophy. History of Chinese philosophy,No3,2004,Beijing.
Freedom and Right: on kant's political philosophy. The journal of jiangsu administation institute, No.5, 2005,Nanjing.
On the Boundary between philosophy and religion. Journal of Graduate school of Chinese Academy of social siences,No.2,2006,Beijing.
On love and freedom. Zhe jiang Academic Journal, No.4,2007,Hangzhou.
Love and third Person. World philosophy, No.2,2009,Beinjing.
The reason to Deny the second Coming of Christ. Zhe jiang Academic Journal, No.4,2009,Hangzhou.
Kant's Cognitive Approach to the concept of Freedom. Jiangsu social sciences,No.6, 2009, Nanjing.