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WANG Zhongchen

Born in Nong'an County, Jilin Province, in July 1954, Wang Zhongchen is a professor and doctoral supervisor in Comparative Literature and World Literature at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University. He is also Dean of Rixin College, Tsinghua University.

He once served as a supervisor and a member of the Teaching Committee at Xinya College, and offers the course Modern Chinese Literary Canon.

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1992 Master in Language and Culture after studies at the Graduate School of Regional Culture, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Japan, and the Department of Chinese Language and Culture, Northeast Normal University

Work Experience

1996.4-1997.8 Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University, Japan; 2008.4-2009.3, 2019.10-2020.3 Foreign Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Japan; 2012.10-2012.12 Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo; President of China Ding Ling Institute, member of the Editorial Board of Modern Chinese Literature Studies and Literary Review, Editorial Adviser of Nihon kenkyū (a scholarly Japanese-language journal published by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies based in Kyoto, Japan), 2020.3-present Visiting Researcher, Research Center for Shuichi Kato and the Japanese Contemporary Thoughts, Ritsumeikan University

Research Fields

Comparative literature, modern Chinese and Japanese literature, and modern East Asian regional cultural history
