Pang, Xun, Barry Friedman, Andrew D. Martin, and Kevin M. Quinn. “Endogenous Jurisprudential Regime.” Political Analysis, 2012.
Pang, Xun. “Modeling Heterogeneity and Serial Correlation in Binary TSCS Data: A Bayesian Multilevel Model with AR(p) Errors.” Political Analysis, 18 (4): 470-498.
Pang, Xun. “Overcome the Collective Action Problems in Providing International Public Goods.” World Economics and Politics, Issue 7, 2012 (In Chinese).
Pang, Xun. “International Political Environment and Energy Security.” International Political Science, No.2, 2007 (In Chinese).
Pang, Xun. “National Role and Foreign Policy Making: A Dynamic Analytical Framework.” Interna- tional Politics Quarterly, Issue 1, 2006, pp.133-143 (In Chinese).
Pang, Xun. “Risk-Taking Willingness: Decision Making in International Crises.” World Economics and Politics, Issue 1, 2005, pp.89-97 (In Chinese).
Pang, Xun (co-authored with Ye Zicheng). “Diplomatic Thoughts in Ancient China and Contemporary West: A Comparative Study.” World Economics and Politics, Issue 12, 2001 (In Chinese).
Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
“International Systems and Domestic Politics: Linking Complex Theories with Empirical Models in International Relations.” (coauthored with Stephen Chaudoin and Helen V. Milner) 2012 annual meeting of the APSA (New Orleans, Louisiana, accepted).
“Explaining Sensitivity to International Pressures: A Bayesian Multilevel Model.” 2011 annual meeting of the APSA (Seattle, WA).
“Spike and Slab Prior Distributions for Simultaneous Bayesian Hypothesis Testing, Model Selection, and Prediction, of Nonlinear Outcomes.” (coauthored with Jeff Gill) University of Rochester, April 8, 2011
“A Bayesian Dynamic Factor-Residual Model for Spatial Dependence in Longitudinal Data.” New Methodologies and Their Applications in Comparative Politics and International Relations, 2011, Princeton, NJ
“Local Shocks and Cross-Sectional Dependencies in TSCS Data: A Bayesian Semi-Parametric Analysis.” 2010 annual meeting of the APSA (Washington, D. C. ).
“Bayesian Semi-Parametric Analaysis: Spillover Effect.” 2010 summer conference of the Society for Political Methodology (Iowa City).
“Modeling Units’ Sensitivity to System: Time-Specific Unit-Varying Effects in Generalized Linear Mul- tilevel Models.” 2010 annual meeting of the MPSA (Chicago).
“Endogenous Jurisprudential Regimes” (with Andrew Martin, Barr y Friedman, and Kevin Quinn). 2010 St. Louis Area Methods Meeting (St. Louis).
“Modeling Unbalanced Discrete Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data: Serial Dependence, Heterogeneity and Spatial Correlation.” 2009 APSA Annual National Conference (Toronto).
“Spike and Slab Priors for Bayesian Generalized Linear Models” (with Jeff Gill). Annual Summer Meeting of the Society for Political Methodology and APSA Methods Section, Yale University, July, 2009.
“Specifying Spike and Slab Prior Distributions for Bayesian Hypothesis Testing of Nonlinear Models” (with Jeff Gill). 2009 annual meeting of the MPSA Annual National Conference (Chicago).
“Intertemporal and Contemporal Dependence in Binary Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data: Bayesian Hierarchical Model with AR(p) Errors and Non-nested Clutering.”2009 annual meeting of the MPSA Annual National Conference (Chicago).
“IEA Energy Cooperation and Global Oil-Supply Disruption: Bayesian Probit-AR(p) versus Probit Model.” 2008 APSA Annual National Conference (Boston).
“Binary Time Series with AR(p) Errors: Bayes Factor for Lag Order Determination and Model Selection.” 2008 summer conference of the Society for Political Methodology (Ann Arbor).
“Stability of Cronyism and Sovereign Creditworthiness.” 2008 MPSA Annual National Conference (Chicago).
Software Development
GLMMarp: a CRAN R package for implementing the GLMM-AR(p) model developed in the dissertation project Dynamic Multilevel Analysis of Binary Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data in Political Economy.
SpikeSlab: an R package for implementing spike and slab priors for variable selection, model comparison and Bayesian model averaging in both linear and generalized linear setups. (with Jeff Gill)