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GU Xueyong

Associate Professor



Education Experience

January 2002-January 2005, Ph.D. in Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 2000-August 2001, Master of System Design and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

September 1992-January 1995, Master of Industrial Engineering and Operational Research, University of Minnesota,

January 1990-June 1992, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota

Work Experience

Associate Professor, Fundamental Industry Training Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, November 2015-present

Responsible for the internationalization of training centers and the development of Frontier curriculum content.

Based on the methodology of extreme learning process, a course of engineering quality suitable for all undergraduates in our university has been developed.

As a member of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Committee of Tsinghua University, provides professional advice on curriculum development.

Teaches and develops new courses, including computational thinking and system design, global innovation strategy, industry frontier exploration, etc.

Based on the global network culture, a new type of curriculum and teaching system has been developed by the Engineering Education Research Center established by UNESCO and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, November 2006-November 2015

Responsible for individual scientific research projects, curriculum content development and on-site teaching tasks.

Group teaching methods and courses such as extreme learning process and cognitive basis beyond subject boundaries have been developed.

Teaches many courses, including Global Manufacturing Strategy, Global Innovation Strategy, Data Structure and Algorithms, Database Principles, etc.

Professor Cha Jianzhong, a lecture chair on production-university cooperation with UNESCO, has published several papers on the theoretical research of group learning methodology.

Technical Consultant of Feiyao International Co., Ltd. September 2005-November 2005

Responsible for information system technology development, provide customer technical advisory services.

Postdoctoral fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 2005 to September 2005

Develop an executable engineering and social system description language to provide technical services to customers, such as NASA.

Research Engineer, United Technologies Corporation, USA, January 2001-November 2001

Develop and research risk factors and risk estimation tools for large-scale engineering projects.

A set of distributed design collaborative tools is proposed and installed for the combined design of full-maneuvering power and energy systems of commercial aircraft power systems.

Consulting Engineer, Director of Advanced Systems Consulting Company, USA, September 1997-January 2000

Designing and developing enterprise information system for US top 500 customers. Clients include AT&T AT&T AT&T’s Internet Broadband Data Telephone Service Center, which has designed a tracking system for 5,000 telephone service workers in New England who can contact multiple knowledge bases and customer service.

Senior Consulting Engineer, NRC Consulting Company, USA, January 1997-September 1997

Design and develop enterprise decision support system for customer Snap-on company. For the customer’s sales records and performance evaluation in various parts of the United States, a multi-dimensional data statistics system is proposed, which can visualize and quickly present reports.

Integrity Solutions, USA, Software Engineer, Consulting Company, March 1995-January 1997

Design and develop a visual system of stock and futures option valuation for Cargill Financial Company. It provides real-time stock and futures trading evaluation services for 300 traders in its global financial centre.

For Sun Java programming language, which was being tested by Beta at that time, TravelApp, the first application software to visualize tourism services in browser Web pages, was developed and later cited by Accenture as the first batch of Java system software with commercial application value.

Research Area

Knowledge Management System, Decision-making Method Based on Collaboration, Modeling Automation

Honors and Awards

Beijing Education and Teaching Achievement First Prize in 2008;

Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award in 2013;

QS Star Reimagine Education Awards Asia First Prize, Global Silver Prize for On-site Teaching in 2014;

The Silver Award and best Report Award of UNESCO-IITE Global Teaching Innovation Competition in 2015;

Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award in 2017

Selective Publications

Hsueh-Yung Koo, et al. Distributed Learning Workflow: An Operating System for Schools that integrates Physical Infrastructures with Information Technologies. Research on Higher Engineering Education, April, 2013

Hsueh-Yung Koo, Jianzhong Cha,Edward F. Crawley. The Four Forces that Influences Quality of Service in Educational Institutions. Research on Higher Engineering Education, July, 2009

Koo, B.; Simmons, W.L.; Crawley, E.F., Algebra of Systems: A Metalanguage for Model Synthesis and Evaluation, Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on , vol.39, no.3, pp.501-513, May 2009

Hsueh-Yung Koo. The CDIO that connects Theory with Practice: an explorative Engineering Pedagogy Experiment at Tsinghua University. Research on Higher Engineering Education, 11-23, March, 2009

Hsueh-Yung Koo, John J.Z. Cha, and Edward F. Crawley, The Four Forces that Influences the Quality of Knowledge Provision Services, Singapore, CDIO International Conference Proceeding. June 7~10, 2009

Hsueh-Yung Koo, An Algebra of Systems, International Conference on Systems Engineering and Modeling, Haifa, Israel, 20 Mar. – 23 Mar. 2007

Hsueh-Yung Koo, David Loda, Applying Object-Process Network (OPN) to Aircraft Data Management and Power System Architecture Design. IMAPP 2006 International Meeting for Applied Product Support Processes – To be held between April 5-7 2006 by Royal Aeronautical Society New Zealand Division (RAeS) and the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Product Support Technical Committee (PSTC)

Willard L. Simmons, Hsueh-Yung Koo and Edward F. Crawley, Architecture Generation for Moon-Mars Exploration Using an Executable Meta-Language, Proceedings of AIAA Space 2005 Conference, Long Beach, CA, 30 Aug. – 1 Sept. 2005, AIAA-2005-672

H.Y. Koo, A-P Hurd, David Loda, Dov Dori1, and Edward F. Crawley, Architecting Systems Under Uncertainty with Object-Process Networks. Proc. International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS04), Boston, MA, USA, May 16-21, 2004.

H.Y. Koo, Willard Simmons, and Edward F. Crawley, Algebra of Systems: An Executable Framework for Model Synthesis and Evaluation. Proc. of the 2007 International Conference on Systems Engineering and Modeling, 2007.

H.Y. Koo, Willard Simmons, and Edward F. Crawley, A Valuation Technology for Product Development Options Using an Executable Meta-modeling Language. In Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability, Springer-Verlag, 2007

H.Y. Koo, A-P Hurd, David Loda, Dov Dori1, and Edward F. Crawley, Architecting Systems Under Uncertainty with Object-Process Networks. Proc. International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS04), Boston, MA, USA, May 16-21, 2004.
